Jodi Kennedy, General Manager,
Charitable Trusts and Philanthropy, Equity Trustees
Since 1888, Equity Trustees has helped Australians – and Australian charitable organisations realise their philanthropic vision. We’ve been working with the Ingham Institute since 2010.
Since this time, we have been deeply committed to growing and safeguarding the investments of the Institute, to ensure we maximise their ability to fund their critical work in the South West Sydney region.
Partnership is essential to effective philanthropy.
As one of Australia’s leading providers of philanthropic funds, we have developed significant expertise not just in investing charitable dollars, but in allocating them via granting programs. About half of our total granting annually is in health and medical research, so we bring a sensitivity to the issues in the medical research sector and importantly, the capacity to connect the Institute with our philanthropic clients, networks and funding sources.
Equity Trustees’ journey ahead is to step further into our role of responsible stewardship, and in fact to go beyond this. We see this as not only our responsibility, but also our duty to our clients, and to the wider community.